Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Get all your office networks on the same page with software training

Getting all your office networks on the same page, as far as software deployment and proficiency with the same is concerned, proves to be a challenge of epic proportions.

Even while the main branch or the head office obtains the requisite software and its associated (and much needed!) training, the branch networks fall behind with either both or one of the two aspects. It is for this reason that software deployment and training is often best left to the experts; with their own networks spread far and wide, these expert software companies are in a well entrenched position for both software deployment as well as training.

This aspect proves to be especially true in the case of premier accounting software such as Peachtree Quantum or MAS 90 accounting software. Of course, while you will easily recognize the fact that these are probably the best accounting software around, they are also reasonably challenging to use, at least to the extent that you need sufficient exposure to all its various nuances, before you can consider yourself to be an expert in the same.

It is in light of this fact that specialized entities have established themselves particularly for Peachtree training, in various parts of the country. As a result, whether you are looking for Peachtree Michigan training or Peachtree Illinois training or perhaps even Peachtree Kansas training, you can be assured that you will find the same with complete ease.

In this regard, it must also be said that software deployment and training is provided to nonprofits with a special endeavor to keep costs as low as possible, keeping the nature of business of these clients, in perspective. Thus, if you are running a nonprofit body or enterprise, do not hesitate to obtain requisite Peachtree nonprofit software deployment and training from these very entities.

As far as reputation and credibility of these firms is concerned, once again, you can be completely assured, given the fact that these businesses have been around for more than two decades and already have in excess of 10,000 highly satisfied customers to vouch for their services. Overall, even if you are simply looking for system integration, say within a particular office or across branch networks spread over the country, even then you can safely rely on these entities.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Peachtree software training is just few clicks away!

With accounting software taking on immense significance as far as the nuances of financial management within smaller businesses is concerned, it should come as no surprise that more and more businesses are opting for reputable software such as Peachtree Quantum, for the same.

At the same time, there is no doubt that software such as Peachtree Quantum is no cakewalk, especially for complete novices to it. Mastering Peachtree Quantum and being able to use it to the fullest requires sufficient familiarity and knowhow, as far as deriving maximum value out of it is concerned.

It is for this purpose that numerous visionary software support and training companies have emerged that make sure, all patrons of Peachtree Quantum and its ilk obtain the necessary knowledge which will make sure that they are completely up to the mark, as far as the software itself is concerned.

Further, as businesses grow, it is imperative that sufficient training is imparted at all levels. Take for instance, a small business in the initial phase will probably have just the proprietor managing the accounts and thus being the sole person handling software such as Peachtree Quantum. As the business grows and the need for a specialized accounting person is felt, this person in turn needs to be trained on the same. While the proprietor may not possess sufficient bandwidth to now look into training needs, the same can be handled deftly by the aforementioned companies which actually look into diverse training requirements such as Peachtree Quantum software training, MAS 90 accounting software training, sage accounting software training as well as Act Sales software support and training.

Together, these measures ensure that all employees are adequately trained with regard to the necessary knowhow required for ensuring adeptness on the usage of software such as these.

It would be imperative to also mention the fact that the majority of these companies ensure that every stage of the learning curve is adequately covered while pursuing the provision of training on above mentioned software. Towards that end, aspects such as software installation, setup training and customization are also adequately looked into. These aspects are important since users need to be able to adeptly handle the above mentioned software at every stage of their usage, else the learning as well as the overall impact is unlikely to be anywhere close to what would be desired as a whole.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

4 More Ways to Customize the Way You Work in Peachtree

Every different computer that Peachtree is installed on is like a different 5-year-old car. They all came out of the factory not very long ago, but since then they've been driven differently, have wear and tear in different places, the seats and mirrors have been set to different positions, some parts have broken and been fixed, and some extras have been added. Most people like their Peachtree Accounting set up a particular way, just like they like their car to be set up for them - today we look at more ways you can do just that!
Bigger might be better
You can adjust window sizes in Peachtree to suit the needs of your monitor size, placement and resolution. All you need to do is resize the window manually and position it in the spot on the screen that you need, and Peachtree will remember that each time. However, you may want to ensure that you make most windows roughly the same size or it can slow down many of the rote tasks to be searching the screen with your eyes for a popup window.
Know your lookup
Peachtree offers you no fewer than four different ways to bring up a Lookup list so you can select Customers, Vendors, etc. You can either:
  • Click the right mouse button in the Lookup field
  • Press Shift + ? while in the Field
  • Click the Lookup List Indicator (a magnifying glass)
  • Set the Global Options to bring up a lookup list starting at a particular character when you type anything in the box (usually the easiest method).
Learn the way you want
On a more general note, if there is a question that you can’t find the answer to in Peachtree, there are also several different ways to get your info.
  • Grab some personalized, real world Peachtree support or Peachtree classes
  • Use the Help file
  • Post a question for the experts on the Peachtree user forums. This is free but gives you variable information quality
  • Go through the Demos within Peachtree itself before you start working (if it isn't too late!)
Organize your account types
Every company has assets, liabilities, equity, income and expenses. However, it is very handy to break up these account types even further before you begin working in Peachtree so that you aren't sifting through long lists of seemingly meaningless info, and have greater analytical ability with your accounts.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

5 More Things You Didn't Know Your Accounting Software Could Do

There's a reason that small business accounting software programs like Peachtree Accounting and QuickBooks cost a heck of a lot more to license than the freeware that populates most computers ... there is so much more than goes into these programs! If you're looking into starting up a business or switching programs, today we check out 5 more things that you probably didn't know your accounting software could do!
Industry-specific tasks
There are different versions of Peachtree for the accounting and tracking needs of different industries. If you are in manufacturing, distribution, construction or nonprofit work, you can have your accounting software do all sorts of funky things that are specific to your work needs; buying and selling in different units, creation and tracking of work tickets, progressive billing, labor burden assessment and tracking donation receipts are just a few of these.
Archive company data
You can save secure archives of your company data within many good small business accounting programs, and reclaim that office space that used to be filled with archive boxes.
Grow along with your business
With programs like Peachtree, you can start with a very basic (even free!) package, and work your way up the version ladder Small businesses don't need to purchase massive programs that they may or may not ever use ... in fact, mot can get away without purchasing anything except a little training in their small business accounting and payroll software.
Create personalized dashboards
Actually, if you have this feature in your accounting software you probably already know about it ... the vendors do tend to push it as one of the main benefits! It is a definite advantage when there is someone spending a lot of time in the accounting program, however - it can make routine tasks and work so much faster and easier.
Create workflow notifications
You can track workflow within many of the higher-end versions of your accounting software - Peachtree Quantum is a good example. When you track your project status and workflow through Peachtree Quantum, you can also send notifications via email to anyone within the company that needs to know, automatically as jobs are completed.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Peachtree Accounting: What the Reviewers Think

It's easy for us to say that we love Peachtree Quantum and other Sage Accounting Software ... we have many years of experience in using it, fixing problems in it, and helping businesses thrive with it! It isn’t only us that Peachtree is a pretty peachy accounting and sales software program though. Today we check out the reviewers' thoughts on Peachtree, and what makes it such a great business asset and tool.
The reviewer of Peachtree Accounting 2008 at noted positive features of the program such as the easy to use interface, the instant business information available via the Business Status page, the straightforwardness of billing, invoicing and payroll screens. The reviewer does not that the Peachtree First Accounting costs $70, compared with free offerings from Microsoft and Quickbooks - however it is described as being a 'premium software package' ... and it isn’t likely that you'll find anything that could be described as 'premium' with a $0 price tag.
The team at feel that Peachtree Accounting will suit small businesses and entrepreneurs that are 'analyzers' (enjoy looking at things in a numerical, statistical context); those that carry inventory; and those that have a secret sort of thing for accounting! It's depth of use in key areas, and flexibility for different business scenarios are said to be the biggest advantages for users of peachtree from Michigan to Missouri.
Payday by Peachtree is described by Small Business Computing as Peachtree's strongest offering yet. It incorporates online payroll ability which, according to the reviewer, was a much-needed feature. The payroll service works with Peachtree 2004 and 2005 (and probably with later editions, given that the review is a little dated). The Microsoft Word Integration with Peachtree Accounting, and the UPS integration were also noted as some of the more useful features of Peachtree Accounting.
Ozark's Business Review:
We don't have too many details here - but Peachtree 2010 was declared the 'clear winner' over Quickbooks new offering in the review. Simultaneous ease-of-use and
sophistication were some of the main keywords in the review!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Did You Know Your Accounting Software Can... ?

You know your accounting software can print invoices. You expect it to reconcile bank statements, and tell you how much money you paid out for a particular service last year. Profit and loss statement are a given ... but nowadays, accounting software such as Peachtree Quantum and Sage Accounting Software is often much more than just a number cruncher. You can perform all sorts of business functions with it; in areas as diverse as operations and administration. Here are some of the top features of accounting software programs that aren’t strictly accounting related!
Manage customer contacts
Many small businesses use programs like Outlook or ACT to manage customer contact information. However, a good accounting software package will give you this functionality from within the program ... as well as linking a customer's contact details to all sorts of pertinent sales data. As soon as you pull up a name and phone number, you'll be able to see how much they have ordered, their payment history, and whether they have any invoices outstanding.
Allow you to accept credit card payments
Many businesses pay a separate company for the privilege of being able to process credit card payments for their customers. In fact, when you use a high level accounting software program like Peachtree Quantum, you can usually get merchant account support for accepting credit card payments.
Both accounting software and payroll software is very involved and can take some time to learn. It is far easier for everybody concerned with either activity to have both functions contained within the same software program. The tasks will obviously be performed differently, but having a familiar user interface, the same passwords, a Help file that you know your way around as well as other people in the office that are familiar with how to work the program is invaluable.
Inventory management
Check out your inventory at a glance, by tying sales records to previously existing inventory records. This makes ordering a snap, and reconciliation even easier.
Business tax reporting
It's a painful time of year for anyone that isn’t an accountant ... but having your business tax reporting function within your ordinary accounting software program can help you breeze through July.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Knowledge is Golden

Shortly after graduating with my accounting degree I submitted my resume to an online career search website. It wasn’t long before I got a call from the woman who is now my boss. She asked me if I was available for an interview and I quickly accepted. When I got to her office, which was in the basement of her house, she was totally stressed out because she could not figure out how to use the MAS90 software for accounting that she had purchased. She hadn’t researched the product very well and had no formal accounting education so she was out of her element and needed a great deal of help.

I was very familiar with the program and she offered me the job taking care of and organizing her accounting books. When I took the job I had no idea how big of a job this was going to be. It seems she had been running her catering business, which was quite successful, for 3 years without ever using any kind of accounting software to keep up with her billing and invoices. Her desk was a mess of stacked papers and invoices and all of them had to be put into the system.

I was well trained in business accounting software and found the program very easy to use. The problem was she had written so many bills out by hand and couldn’t account for all her expenditures. It took weeks for me to get everything straight and in order but once I did everything began running like a charm. She no longer had to stress about her bookwork and could concentrate more on her business. She got very busy and eventually had to move to a much bigger location.

I’ve never understood how anybody can start any type of business without having all the proper tools to run that business. You can’t just think about what it is your business is selling or the service you are providing, you have to consider every element of business in order to have a successful business. Business accounting software is just as important in the business as what it is you are actually doing.

I started that position ten years ago and I’m happy to say that I am still at it except now she has fifteen employees working for her and the business has grown well beyond her dreams. I was lucky to have the education in the business accounting software that she had purchased without knowing how to use. Her misfortune was my saving grace.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Profitable Home Business Done Right

When I got my accounting degree I decided to open my own accounting business at home instead of joining a corporation. I knew that all I needed was a few good clients to get my home business up and running to make enough money to make it worth working from home. I knew I would need several types of accounting software in order to be ready for any client that may want to use my services.

I decided I would offer my services in doing payroll, billing, tax preparation, and overall accounting services. Quickbooks was the first package of software I purchased as I had worked with it for many years and found it to be incredibly helpful and easy to work with. It could handle almost all my needs in itself and I knew it was the perfect program to accommodate my business as new clients came in.

But I also needed excellent payroll software, not only for my own personal needs but for those clients who wished to hire me to manage their employee payroll. I found that the Peachtree complete accounting software would handle that aspect just fine. I had thought that I might need one more specialty program to complete my home office, but found that the two programs I had already installed completely filled in the gap where I thought I was lacking tools.

Once I had everything in order I began advertising and visiting local businesses to offer my services. It didn’t take long before I had eight clients needing accounting or payroll help and just like that my business was up and running. I made the right choices in buying the software that I did because all the business tools I could ever need were at my disposal.

I started my business over five years ago and now I am happy to say that I service over fifty clients for various accounting needs. I have hired two employees to help me and together, along with the wonderful accounting software I installed, we make light work of some very heavy demands. The Peachtree accounting software has been a real life saver. It does calculations and automatic updates that makes my job so much easier. I couldn’t imagine doing any kind of bookkeeping without the use of office software; I don’t know how they did it before there were computers.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Accounting Software for Your Business Needs

One very important component that must be taken care of when running a small business is the accounting. It is the one thing that you cannot let falter. The repercussions are too severe. Small businesses already have everything against them, why add extra stress by worrying about the numbers? One of the positives about owning a small business is the close-knit family it provides. In this family you have multi-taskers that are capable of performing a few different jobs at once. JCS Computers would love to train your ‘family’ of coworkers how to handle the accounting side of a small business. As we stated before, accounting is a crucial field in the success of any business. JCS Computers does not take this task lightly and are ready to serve your company in whatever way is necessary.

JCS Computers will not only provide you with the top of the line software that will allow for easy access computer accounting, we will even make you masters on the subject. A few of these premium accounting software programs include: MAS 200, MAS90 accounting, Sage, and Timeslips. Not everyone is drawn to accounting, but our training classes will make you as well as your employees feel extremely relaxed when approaching the topic. Our involvement does not stop with the training classes though. Any time your employees have a question about our products we are happy to walk you through whatever the problem is. Just give us a call and one of our certified consultants will assist you in any way they can. As far as training classes are concerned you should not have to travel far. We are all over the United States. JCS Computers has a location on almost every coast line making it easier for you to meet your company’s accounting needs.
JCS Computers has over 10,000 customers and almost 20 years of service under their belt. We know what we are doing when it comes to computer software and the training as well as Peachtree support. We would like to be a part of your business’ family. Allow us to lead you into the new age of accounting software with one of our valued products. You as well as your customers will not be disappointed. When it comes to the success and integrity of your business wouldn’t you want the best? Well the best is JCS Computers. Stop by our website, browse around, and allow us to serve you.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Excellent Computer Software

Are you currently unsatisfied with your accounting software that runs your business or your home financial matters? Did you recently purchase computer software that you are struggling to install and haven’t begun to address the thought of training yourself or your employees on how to use? Maybe you have a program that you have been struggling with and find yourself frustrated by the online lack of support or the 800 number that is listed on the side of the box which only offers you recording after recording.

Have you heard of the remarkable computer software that thousands of people have purchased and use daily without aggravation called Sage computer software? If you find yourself struggling with the installation of new software or learning how to benefit from the software you purchased at your local computer or electronics store, return it today and logon to to experience a world of top of the line Sage computer software and unbeatable customer service as well as training classes for the exact software you purchase.

Online you will find an extensive selection of Sage software such as a great line of Peachtree software, MAS 90 and MAS 200, ACT!, Fixed Assets, Crystal reports, and timeslips. All the programs come with the offer of online training classes and wonderful around the clock support for the installation and training of the software you purchase for your financial needs rather business or personal. When you purchase Peachtree Quantum you will find yourself enjoying faster services when it comes to tracking inventory, efficient management of your new and regular customers, management of vendors and an all around faster program that has the flexibility to expand as your business grows and your financial needs increase. Not only do you have access to programs that simplify your business but you also will find training classes for the twenty different Peachtree programs.
Install the accounting software your business is in need of to run smoothly and allow you to keep track of all the financial ends of business from inventory to financial reports to simple tracking of employee time, vendors and new or returning customers. Not only will you simplify your financial world but you but you will also reduce the stress of your accountant, yourself and your employees with the easy to install computer software and the convenient online classes suited to fit each employees training schedule. Stop purchasing the computer software from your local business or online company that only offers 800 numbers for assistance and purchase your software needs from, where you can enjoy the fact that you not only receive top of the line software for your business but the customer support you deserve.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Software support

Right now your computer may be working just fine, but what would you do if it broke down and you saw the blue screen of death? Most people would panic and start looking in the yellow pages for the number of the local computer repair shop and shaking their head in disbelief and horror when faced with the price of fixing it. Instead of taking for granted that your computer will always run and that you won’t have any problems, maybe you should consider backing up your important files and data in case of something going wrong with your PC.

If you are a business owner, your PC is like your lifeline to the world. Perhaps you have financial data on the computer that would be devastating to lose, why take a chance? Having mas 90 accounting software and backing up your data now can prevent future headaches should anything bad happen and threaten your computer.

With the right software and act software support the average person does not have to worry about the threat of losing vital information. We all take for granted that nothing bad will happen to our computer, but the fact of the matter is that with one good power storm or an undetected virus, things can and will go wrong. Take proactive steps now in order to protect yourself, your business and livelihood; it is the responsible and intelligent thing to do.

When it comes to owning a personal or business PC, people store everything on the computer and don’t really give a second thought as to how to protect things. In the future doing the proactive things now will help ensure that nothing important is affected in the event of unforeseen circumstances. Many business owners will use programs like peach tree software and not realize how vital it is to have back up information stored either on a second drive or on disc. Protect your computer and your future, you cannot afford to lose time or money and with backing up important data you never have to worry about that problem again.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Accounting Software for a Small Business

Owning your own business is very satisfying -- the only thing that many owners have trouble with is keeping an accurate account of they money going in and out of the business. It is important to have good accounting software to help with this task.

Purchasing professional sage accounting software helps many small business owners to simplify the accounting part of a business. This is some of the most valuable software to purchase because Peachtree offers software training. Peachtree can offer help in understanding how the accounting software can be used efficiently in your small business.

The training that they offer is complete and comprehensive. Peachtree can show the owner and its employees how to use the many products that are available for purchase such as the mas200 software. Certified instructors are available to help the business owner choose the right software for their individual needs and how they relate to their type of small business. Once the software is purchased and installed on the computer or computers, one is able to attend classes at a Peachtree facility. There are many certified Peachtree specialists that can also be hired to assist one in setting up the software at your small business or one can attend classes that will teach the individual how to install the accounting software program.

The Peachtree support is a great feature that many find helpful when questions or concerns arise. The trained and professional staff is there to help. Many small business owners become repeat customers because of this unique feature that many other software companies do not offer.

One of the most popular bookkeeping software that is popular among small businesses is the mas 90 accounting software. This particular type of accounting software is especially easy to use for many. The sage accounting software is also quite popular among small business owners too. Training for both products can be done online or in a classroom environment at one of the many Peachtree facilities. These training facilities can be found in many areas of the Unites States. There are classes offered at peachtree Illinois, peachtree Michigan and peachtree Missouri. By attending these classes can help many in using and running the software correctly.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Computer Software Support you can Count On

Are you looking for the accounting software that everyone is talking about? You have come to the right place. The Peachtree Software line is dedicated to making your business more efficient and increase in productivity. The Peachtree Software includes loads of new and innovative ways to improve your business. Each program is specifically designed to make it easier on the operator as well as the customer. The Sage products include the Peachtree software line, MAS 90, MAS 200, ACT!, Timeslips, Crystal Reports, and Fixed Assets. If you aren’t quite sold then try one of our free trials. This is just what your business needs to get a foot up on the competition. Everyone knows that accounting firms are not the most desired places of employment, but that isn’t the case if your firm has this operating system to back it up.

What if you want the program but aren’t exactly sure how to work it? No problem! Peachtree Quantum Manufacturing has just added a brand new customer service program that allows us, the professionals, to teach you the ins and outs of the software. With this innovative program you will be available to training classes, support services, and premier software upgrades. Who doesn’t want that? Our training courses offer student-teacher interaction, expert-certified trainers, and training outlines to make the learning process easier on you. What if you encounter a problem with our software in the future? We commission personalized consultants that will work with you over the phone. We believe in the personalized approach. Our Peachtree support is raved about. We offer friendly, patient, and speedy service to anyone who is in need. We understand the demands of the hectic lifestyle of an accounting firm. We try our best to cater to you and your company’s needs. Your company’s succession is our goal.
Most companies do not want to haul their employees around just to sit in a boring conference room. We are well aware of the boring lectures that are advertised on the market today. First of all, there will be no hauling of any sort. With the amount of locations that we have you are bound to be near one of them. Our locations include: California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Michigan, Missouri, and Tennessee. Sage software is committed to close interaction with whomever we deal with, no matter what state you are in. If you are not sold on our products yet the please check out our testimonials. They speak volumes of our customer service. Allow our 25 years of experience to work for you.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Computer Software You Deserve

When it comes to the financial end of your business, there is no room for mistakes from software that makes claims it cannot deliver. Having the accounting software as well as a variety of other software for your computer will simplify your life when it comes to managing the finances of your business. With the experience of serving over 10,000 customers nationwide for over 20 years, one company can help you online. You have access to online training and support from a group of professionals who can walk you every step of the way when installing and learning the ins and outs of your new software.

Peachtree software will save you the time and money you need when it comes to the accounting department of your company. Not only will you have state of the art software at your fingertips, but you will also enjoy the setup training and assistance in customizing your program to fit your needs and the comfort of yourself or employees when they utilize the software. Peachtree software is accompanied by top-of-the-line support and a group of specialist that make your accounting and computer software needs their top priority. Peachtree QuickBooks can bring you the guaranteed accounting solutions when it comes to handling the financial ends of your business.
Choose from a variety of software that includes MAS200, MAS 90, Sage accounting software and more. You can rest assured that with the assistance of the software you choose you will accomplish your accounting dreams by simplifying the added stress of closing out the end of the month, year or any other accounting needs your business may have throughout life. Along with the list of amazing products, assistance and support you will also enjoy the ability to access Software and Crystal reports software installation. Bring simplicity to you’re your life and the life of your employees by installing the top of the line accounting software along with dependable support and guaranteed training classes. The computer software you choose can make your life easier or hardier depending on the products and software you use. You have access to excellent software at affordable prices and accompanied with guaranteed training and support when it comes to the installation of your product and setting up you software for your business instead of a basic outline for general businesses.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I’m no Computer Geek

A friend of mine hired me to help her try to make sense of the stacks of paperwork she had piled up on her desk. She had been keeping her husband’s books for his landscaping company the old-fashioned way. She was way behind on billing as she would hand write invoices and mail them out. I’m no computer whiz but she needed some help. The first thing I did was purchase the best accounting software I could find. This was going to get her payroll and invoicing under control where she could see what needed to be done.

The next thing was to start utilizing some of the small business tools that she had at her disposal. Organizing the office was a major endeavor but within a week we had it running smoothly. I started in-putting data concerning clients, how much they owe, and when payment was due. I set up the Quickbooks organizer to send her reminders a few days before payments were due so she knew to print the invoices and mail them out.

It was a difficult task but we finally got her home office looking and running great. I helped her so much she didn’t need my assistance anymore; I worked myself out of a perfectly good job. Actually it was just a temporary position until we could get the accounting software up and running. It really is such an easy program to work with that even non-computer literate people can understand it completely. It really made cleaning up her big mess a whole lot less stressful.

One of the really cool aspects of this software was that it included payroll software as well. Her husband's employees five work hands and in the past my friend was just writing them a personal check without taking any taxes out. This software is easy to use by just putting in the information and the calculations are done automatically. Things are running smoothly now and she’s handling everything just fine.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

ACT! Software Training Maximizes Your ROI

Purchasing ACT! software by Sage will prove to be one of your best business decisions. But did you know that ACT! software training by a certified trainer is an even smarter decision? Let's look at how taking the time to learn how to use ACT! more fully will maximize your software ROI.

Training Equals Better CRM
As with any CRM application, it's possible to purchase, install and use ACT! and never understand its full potential. That's unfortunate, because the robust features ACT! offers are designed to significantly enhance Customer Relationship Management for your business.

To maximize your return on investment, plan to attend at least a basic ACT training course. Learn how ACT! can become the foundation of your successful CRM strategy. Find out how to automate all customer contacts and personalize all customer communications.

By attending ACT! training taught by a Sage certified trainer, you'll learn to use many features of the software that self-trained users miss. Don't just invest in ACT sales software; learn to use it to its maximum potential to get the highest return possible.

Training Equals Better Administration
If you're in charge of administering your CRM application, receiving training specifically for ACT! administrators is essential. In a well-designed course, you'll learn, for example, how to install ACT! on workstations, set up security roles and administer databases.

Managing the use of ACT! at your firm goes beyond answering user questions. It involves establishing set protocols and expanding the application as your company grows.

You could, of course, muddle along learning one step at a time as you go, but a good, comprehensive ACT! administration course taught by a certified trainer is a much more productive use of your time. Just as you require ACT software support to assist you in doing your job, increase the benefits of ACT with administrator training.

Training Equals a Customized Application
ACT!, straight out of the box, is one of the best CRM packages available, and it becomes even more valuable when customized to your firm's requirements. Ask your software vendor for information on ACT! customization training.

To individualize this powerful program for your organization, learn how to modify layouts, customize fields and manage drop down lists to make them more user-friendly.

A good customization course will also teach you how to create and modify reports at the request of management. Imagine being able to report key indicators easily, in ways that fit your company's needs.

ACT! has a proven track record as a flexible, easy-to-use CRM application. That's probably why you purchased it in the first place. Capitalize on that purchase with basic ACT! software training, as well as training for administration and customization of the software. By doing so, you'll have not only a great CRM application in place, but the ability to make the product work overtime to meet your needs.

Monday, February 1, 2010

System Requirements for Peachtree Premium

Peachtree Premium is the product used by more Sage accounting software users than any other. It has specialized industry-specific editions, such as for construction firms, nonprofits, manufacturing plants and distribution centers. It is also incredibly cost effective, given the functionality of the program. After you've got your accounting software training, check that your computer system and network meet the following criteria for installing Peachtree Premium.

System Requirements
The recommended system configuration for Peachtree Premium is a 1GH Pentium processor (or other brand equivalent) for a single user. Upgrade that to 1.8Ghz for multiple users. You'll need 512MB of RAM for a single user and 1G for multiple users, and if you're running yourPeachtree software product it is recommended that you don't concurrently run other memory-hungry resources -- design and layout programs, audio or video editing programs, and even iTunes can cause problems sometimes.
However, at a minimum, you need:
  • 1 GHz Pentium III for either single or multiple users
  • 256 MB of Ram for a single user, 512 MB for multiple
  • Windows XP with Service Pack 2 installed, or any later version of Windows
  • 1GB of disk space
  • Internet Explorer 7 or later
  • The Microsoft .net framework, which can be downloaded from the Microsoft website or installed from the CD which comes with Peachtree Premium. You'll need this for multiple users.
  • A CD Rom drive
  • Internet access to use online features like bank reconciliation, etc
Software on computer
You'll want to download Adobe reader for free to see product manuals, and to use the demo features you'll need Flash Player. Both of these can be obtained for free from the Adobe website.
Integration with existing data sources
You can sync Peachtree Premium with Microsoft Excel, Outlook and Word to save you double handling data (and therefore save money!).

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Should I Use an Accountant or Accounting Software?

Actually, if you want the short answer to this question -- you should use both! However, within that answer, there are a few things you should be aware of. Neither an accountant alone nor Peachtree accounting software alone will be the ideal solution to your business. Here we explore where some businesses find a middle ground between doing everything, and outsourcing everything.

How do accountants and accounting software complement each other?
The basic role of an accountant is to ensure that your business complies with legal requirements, and that you set up your finances to create the maximum benefit for the company.
The basic role of Peachtree software is to take care of the day-to-day details of accounting -- the ones that don't require any specialist skills -- to cut down your costs. It is much more cost-effective to pay someone within your organization to enter your day to day data, rather than pay professional rates for hours of repetitive and fairly easy work. You can use a professional bookkeeping service or get accounting software training for someone within your company.
So should I use a bookkeeping service or accounting software training?
The answer to this question is different for every business. If you are a sole trader or operator and would prefer not to waste your most precious resource -- time -- on accounting, a bookkeeping service is the ideal solution. However, for larger businesses that have the capability and workload to hire someone specifically for the job, getting accounting software training and taking care of it in-house is usually significantly cheaper in the long run.
How often should I use an accountant?
You will be required to submit forms to the IRS at certain periods depending on the size of your business, and various other factors. It is good to check in with your accountant every time these reports are due -- that way problems can be identified early.
Using an accountant when you set up your Peachtree software can be a good strategy -- they will be able to show you exactly what reports you need to generate, and any points to be aware of for your particular business.

Monday, January 25, 2010

When Do I Need Advanced Features in My Accounting Program?

There are some features which are common to all Peachtree software items. Even the simplest program (Peachtree First Accounting, the 2008 edition), can do all your simple accounts payable functions, invoicing and receiving payments, maintain an account register, create financial statements and credit memos, track inventory items and customize your own reports within the recorded information.
Much as this list seems exhaustive, there are other Peachtree products which provide five times the functionality -- with no exaggeration! If you are setting up with Peachtree and wondering what functions you'll need for your business, today we go through some of the common reasons to upgrade your Peachtree software.
If you have employees, you will be required by law to keep accurate records of their hours worked, tax paid, etc. If you have any more than one employee, you will definitely want to computerize the process! Peachtree software products have quite a few payroll functions which automate the difficult process of matching employee pay requirements to legislation. Your other accounting functions will integrate better with your payroll if you use a program from the same family.
Job/Project Tracking
This function is perfect for businesses in architecture, construction, and similar industries. Any business that typically has one (or only a few) large projects at a time, each utilizing a lot of materials and labor and creating a big return, will want to use the job/project tracking function to keep track of how things are panning out, budget-wise. This function is included in every Peachtree software project other than First Accounting.
Online Bank Reconciliation
This is a very handy software feature for many businesses to have, but especially good for larger businesses where automation is key to being profitable. The online bank reconciliation takes a lot of the manual work out of an essential accounting task.
Unlimited access to support
If you have multiple people working on your Peachtree software product and each is learning, when something goes wrong it can be incredibly hard to track what has happened! Unlimited access to support is only available with Peachtree's premium product Quantum Accounting 2008 edition.