Sunday, August 15, 2010

4 More Ways to Customize the Way You Work in Peachtree

Every different computer that Peachtree is installed on is like a different 5-year-old car. They all came out of the factory not very long ago, but since then they've been driven differently, have wear and tear in different places, the seats and mirrors have been set to different positions, some parts have broken and been fixed, and some extras have been added. Most people like their Peachtree Accounting set up a particular way, just like they like their car to be set up for them - today we look at more ways you can do just that!
Bigger might be better
You can adjust window sizes in Peachtree to suit the needs of your monitor size, placement and resolution. All you need to do is resize the window manually and position it in the spot on the screen that you need, and Peachtree will remember that each time. However, you may want to ensure that you make most windows roughly the same size or it can slow down many of the rote tasks to be searching the screen with your eyes for a popup window.
Know your lookup
Peachtree offers you no fewer than four different ways to bring up a Lookup list so you can select Customers, Vendors, etc. You can either:
  • Click the right mouse button in the Lookup field
  • Press Shift + ? while in the Field
  • Click the Lookup List Indicator (a magnifying glass)
  • Set the Global Options to bring up a lookup list starting at a particular character when you type anything in the box (usually the easiest method).
Learn the way you want
On a more general note, if there is a question that you can’t find the answer to in Peachtree, there are also several different ways to get your info.
  • Grab some personalized, real world Peachtree support or Peachtree classes
  • Use the Help file
  • Post a question for the experts on the Peachtree user forums. This is free but gives you variable information quality
  • Go through the Demos within Peachtree itself before you start working (if it isn't too late!)
Organize your account types
Every company has assets, liabilities, equity, income and expenses. However, it is very handy to break up these account types even further before you begin working in Peachtree so that you aren't sifting through long lists of seemingly meaningless info, and have greater analytical ability with your accounts.

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