Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I’m no Computer Geek

A friend of mine hired me to help her try to make sense of the stacks of paperwork she had piled up on her desk. She had been keeping her husband’s books for his landscaping company the old-fashioned way. She was way behind on billing as she would hand write invoices and mail them out. I’m no computer whiz but she needed some help. The first thing I did was purchase the best accounting software I could find. This was going to get her payroll and invoicing under control where she could see what needed to be done.

The next thing was to start utilizing some of the small business tools that she had at her disposal. Organizing the office was a major endeavor but within a week we had it running smoothly. I started in-putting data concerning clients, how much they owe, and when payment was due. I set up the Quickbooks organizer to send her reminders a few days before payments were due so she knew to print the invoices and mail them out.

It was a difficult task but we finally got her home office looking and running great. I helped her so much she didn’t need my assistance anymore; I worked myself out of a perfectly good job. Actually it was just a temporary position until we could get the accounting software up and running. It really is such an easy program to work with that even non-computer literate people can understand it completely. It really made cleaning up her big mess a whole lot less stressful.

One of the really cool aspects of this software was that it included payroll software as well. Her husband's employees five work hands and in the past my friend was just writing them a personal check without taking any taxes out. This software is easy to use by just putting in the information and the calculations are done automatically. Things are running smoothly now and she’s handling everything just fine.

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